Presence – Essence

Nonduality refers to the absence of separateness between subject and object, where everything is experienced as a unified whole. In the nondual perspective, consciousness is not confined to individual beings but is understood as a non-conceptual, non-representational awareness that forms the background of all conscious experience.

Essence of Nonduality

The essence of nonduality lies in the recognition that:

  1. There is no fundamental separation between the experiencer and the experienced.
  2. Consciousness is the underlying reality that knows itself as pure “I am” or beingness.
  3. The sense of being a separate self is a misperception created by the mind.
Presence in Nonduality

Nondual presence manifests as:

  1. An interconnected way of living and being in the world.
  2. A field of awareness that is unified, immutable, and empty of mental content, yet cognizant.
  3. The direct experience of oneself as undivided nature or Essential Nature.

In the nondual state, physical reality becomes imbued with deeper meaning and dimensionality. Objects and people appear more substantial, defined, and complete, as they are perceived through the lens of true existence.

Nonduality is not just a philosophical concept but a lived experience that can be cultivated through practices like meditation. It offers a perspective that transcends the conventional dualistic view, revealing the interconnectedness of all phenomena and the fundamental nature of consciousness itself.


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